Saint George And The Tropical Dragon

brief history of freemasonry in Pernambuco and its English Lodge




Freemasonry, English Lodge, Pernambuco


This article has the following main objectives: to historicize, albeit briefly, Freemasonry from its European origins until its arrival in Brazil, as well as its developments in Pernambuco; narrate the trajectory of the Saint George Lodge, the so-called English Lodge established in Recife, explaining the causes for its creation and the importance of the British community in the capital of Pernambuco; and demystify the Freemasons, along with their activities and interests, as members of a social group traditionally seldom studied by national and even worldwide historiography. A long period is employed to this end, from Scotland in the 17th century to contemporary Brazil, dotted with short and defining events in the trajectory of Freemasonry within and without the country. The referential framework is formed by books and academic works authored by some of the few social scientists who have dedicated themselves to the theme in Brazil and the world. Also discussed are rare works, such as those by Mário Melo, along with oral testimonies and primary sources in the form of varied newspapers and Masonic records, such as minutes and internal reports.


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Fontes primárias

SILVA, Sérgio Araújo Fernandes da. Entrevista I. [dez. 2020]. Entrevistador: Frederico de Oliveira Toscano. Recife, 2020.

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A Província, 1911.

Revisão bibliográfica

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How to Cite

TOSCANO, F. (2022). Saint George And The Tropical Dragon: brief history of freemasonry in Pernambuco and its English Lodge. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 19(2), 350–372.