Memories at the plier's tip

links between memory and identity in “the largest bridge in the world”




Memory, Identity, Historicity, Authority


This study deals with the interpretations of memory and identity in the short story “The Largest Bridge in the World”, by Domingos Pellegrini. The objective is to combine the representations of the memories exposed by the protagonist of the story with the historical context surrounding the last days of construction, in 1974, to address the working conditions and the implications of authority present at that time. As well as analyze the importance of the workers' identity and the exhaustive routine experienced by them.


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How to Cite

Wazlawick Müller, J. . (2021). Memories at the plier’s tip: links between memory and identity in “the largest bridge in the world”. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 18(2), 509–525.