Representation, Cultural History, Urban Form, Computer graphicsAbstract
By analyzing the relationship between urban history and its graphic representations, specially computer graphics, I examine the question of representation as a manner of giving sense to things; the techniques of representation by images, which differentiate historically; and the historical production of the urban space throughout representation graphic forms. I try to show how the computer graphics represents the past of the city and what is the statute of this representation to the memory of the city of Porto Alegre? The theoretical tool for this work, connected to the computer graphics and the questions about representation and memory were processed in the investigation of the different form of graphic representation of the urban space of Porto Alegre. The drawing in computer graphics, that ends this work, detains on the representation of a central space of the city, in the beginning and the end of the XX century. And it shows the cities of the present and of the past produced by computer graphics.
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