
  • Cid Vasconcelos Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor)


History of Cinema, Press, Early Cinema


This article focus on some points of a preliminary survey about the cinema´s representantion in its various instances by the north american pressed media between 1895 and 1910. The morality and the labels to classify the cinema institution at all including physical and moral safety in movie theaters and the plot of the movies were analysed through the scope of 125 american newspapers of several american states. The main point is to compare representations of cinema scholars mainly based in specific magazines of the area with the wide press of the period.


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Author Biography

Cid Vasconcelos, Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor)

Recém-doutor em sociologia pela UFC com a tese Melodrama e Nação no Cinema Brasileiro dos anos 1940, cuja pesquisa foi empreendida na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP durante os anos de 2004 a 2006, onde também participou do grupo de pesquisa Cinema e História, coordenado pelo prof. Eduardo Morettin. Possui vários artigos vinculados aos estudos de cinema publicados em revistas como Caligrama (USP), Ciberlegenda (UFF), Semiosfera (UFRJ), e AV (Unisinos) assim como capítulos em livros como a coletânea do XI Encontro Internacional da Socine (Sociedade de Estudos de Cinema) e Latin America Melodrama (University of Illinois), a ser lançado em breve. Atualmente leciona nas Faculdades Nordeste (Fanor) e Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor).


ALLEN, Robert C. Motion Picture Exhibition in Manhattan 1906-1912: Beyond the Nickelodeon. In: KINDEN, Grahan Anders (Org.). The American Movie Industry: The Business of Motion Pictures. Carbendale: Southern Illinois U Press, 1982.

AUMONT, Jacques; MARIE, Michel. Dicionário Teórico e Crítico de Cinema. Campinas: Papirus, 2003.

BORDWELL, David; et al. The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960. London: Routledge, 1988.

CIZTROM, DANIEL J. Media and the American Mind. Chapper Hill: North Carolina University, 1982.

JACOBS, Lewis. The Rise of American Film. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1939.

GUNNING, Tom. Early American Film. In: HILL, John; GIBSON, Pamela Church. (Orgs.). The Oxford Guide to Film Studies. New York: Oxford U Press, 1998.

GRIEVESON, Lee. Policing Cinema: Movies and Censorship in Early-Twentieth-Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.

MUSSER, Charles. Before the Nickelodeon: Edwin S. Porter and the Edison Manufacturing Co. Berkerley: University of California Press, 1991.

RHODE, Eric. A History of the Cinema – From Its Origins to 1970. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.


AN INTERVIEW with a nickleodeon friend, The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, 21/08/10.

ANACOSTIA, The Weekly News, 11/09/09.

CRAZY FOR the moving pictures, The Sun, segunda seção, 14/03/09.

FILMS ARE real help, says YMCA director, The Washington Times, Washington, 11/10/10.

GOSSIPS ABOUT The theaters. San Francisco Call, San Francisco, 11/10/08.

GRAND OPERA house. The Richmond Climax, Richmond, 14/09/10.

HOW THE movie picture man, The Washington Times, Washington, 17/05/08.

HOWE´S PICTURES. Frankfort Roundabout, Frankfort, 27/10/06.

LYCEUM – ORIGINAL Britt-Nelson Pictues, Woman´s Magazine Section, The Washington Times, Washington, 07/01/06.

MILLIONS IN Picture shows. The Sun, quinta seção, 07/03/09.

NEW YORK Tribune, New York, 09/05/09.

PICTURES IN religion class, Deseret Evening News, 13/08/10.

PICTURE SHOWS educators, The Sun, 14/03/09.

RULES FOR theaters. The Washington Herald, Washington, 24/09/09.

SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS , The Washington Times, 09/02/08.

TO WATCH Sunday shows – Police get order from Bingham to enforce the law. The Sun, 27/12/08.

THE HARM in some moving pictures. The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, 03/07/10.



How to Cite

Vasconcelos, C. . (2009). O CINEMA VIRA NOTÍCIA NOS ESTADOS UNIDOS: SEGUNDAS IMPRESSÕES SOBRE O CINEMA PELA MÍDIA. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 6(4), 1–19. Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/219