
  • Cristina Ennes da Silva Silva Universidade Feevale
  • Tiago da Silva Silva Universidade Feevale



Cinema., Moral, Culpa Católica, Mulher, América Latina


This study analyzes the representation of the female in the film works O Pântano and A Menina Santa, by the Argentine filmmaker Lucrecia Martel. In this matter, we seek to reflect on the discourses about Latin women present in the aforementioned audiovisual narratives. Thus, it analyzes the presence of Catholic guilt in the identity construction of the feminine characters present in the works and its relationship with the colonial moral present in the Latin American space. In order to do this, we sought in the film narratives, elements in the identity of the characters that evidence this relationship between the moralizing discourse and the guilt propitiated by the deviation to the ideal moral conduct.


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How to Cite

Silva, . C. E. da S., & Silva, T. da S. (2020). MORAL, GUILT AND SEXUALITY IN THE CINEMATOGRAPHIC WORK OF LUCRECIA MARTEL. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 17(1), 303–320.