
  • Tatiana Batista Alves Colégio Pedro II – CPII


Hybridism, Essay, Literature, Science, Dialogism


The article detects that Casa-grande & Senzala, by Gilberto Freyre, is built through two fundamental bases — the scientific discourse and the literary narrative —, which communicate harmonically and establish a singular semantic field within Social Sciences in the beginning of the twentieth century. I this way, Casa-grande & Senzala provided one of the richest, newest, most polemic and contradictory interpretations of Brazil. In order to affirm and prove that the Brazilian society and culture are of a hybrid nature, the author also produces a hybrid text which communicates with several ways or representation, establishing, thus, a perfect communion between the investigation object and the text which represents it.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Batista Alves, Colégio Pedro II – CPII

Doutora em Literatura Comparada (UFF), Professora do Departamento de Língua Portuguesa e
Literaturas do Colégio Pedro


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How to Cite

Batista Alves, T. . (2009). O ENSAIO SOCIOLÓGICO DE GILBERTO FREYRE: DIALOGISMO DE FORMAS DISCURSIVAS. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 6(4), 1–18. Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/228