


Quilombolas, Values, Science, Experience, Culture


To search is really a difficult work, therefore a position demands of that executes the inquiry that moves values and aspirations. When I initiated the development of the research in communities of quilombos, I executed a reflexiva analysis on what it intended to reach with this production, that is, had a questioning on which would be the main objective of this work, whose subject is centered in the studies of the communities of quilombos of Irará, in the state of the Bahia. In this process, I articulated the following questionings: What they are values? How the scientific values are formed? Which are the values of the citizens that communities live quilombolas? How to understand the formation historical of the values of the peoples who inhabit in traditional communities? How we can explain the contradictions that appear between the scientific values and local values? Which the relation to science establishes with knowing place of traditional communities? It gave account to me of that, beyond presenting one point-of-sight on the thematic one, it would have to defend it, displaying with precision the reasons that had induced such opiniã. Therefore, you understand that the logic of a etnografia has much to see with the construction of a theoretical study of reflexiva nature that consists of the ordinance of ideas on one determined subject, but that it is come close to values, traditions and real necessities of the searched citizens.


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Author Biography


Mestre em Estudos Étnicos e Africanos pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, professora de Teorias Sociológicas da Faculdade Nobre de Feira de Santana e Doutorado em andamento em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe.


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How to Cite

Bispo dos Santos, J. . (2010). CIÊNCIA, SABER LOCAL E CONSTRUÇÃO DE VALORES. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 7(2), 1–22. Retrieved from