
  • Renata Siuda-Ambroziak Universidade de Varsóvia – UW/ Polônia



Diabo, literatura de cordel, mal, bondade


In the article the author, taking advantage of some excerpts taken out of the string literature of the Northeastern region leaflets, aims at demonstrating that, although the Devil/Demon/Satan is in the Jewish-Christian tradition as a rational, disembodied creature whose aim is evil, it often appears in string literature as a friendly figure, understanding the faces of human failings, sometimes even trying to prevent them from making mistakes and ending up in the overpopulated hell. It seems that popular poets know how to present Devil from a perspective contrary to Christian faith and the Catholic doctrine, almost as a friend of humans, a companion in difficulties and misfortunes of this world. At the same time, causing him without losing the demonic, terrifying qualities, necessary for leading human beings towards conversions, while, at the same time, fulfilling an important function: the one of socializing within the normative Christian framework of traditional creeds inherent to the popular religiosity in the Northeastern region. The sui generis, strong, regional “subculture” of Brazilian Catholicism, still alive today in the lower social strata. 


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How to Cite

Siuda-Ambroziak, . R. . (2020). THE GOOD DEVIL IN THE FOLK STRING LITERATURE. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 16(1), 1–18.