
  • Azemar dos Santos Soares Júnior Universidade de Brasília – UnB


Physical education, Body, Health


This article aims to analyze the physical educations pread by doctors and professors like as prying board to ensure the health and welllivingin Paraíba. They are professionals who saw both in the scientific discourse and in shaping the body, the best way to on a beautiful and healthy body. Speeches that were published in news papers of Paraiba and were used as teaching tool say med at education through physical education of the body as hygiene of the soul. Texts that fall within the medicalization project of habits, spaces and bodies that regulates from child hood and contributes to the formation of a history of health and disease. Problematizing the newspaper The Union and its correspondence and articles published in the early twentieth century by sanitary doctors and educators who were essential to the construction of this history of the body that exercises, beautifies, cleans up itself, this Cultural History.


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Author Biography

Azemar dos Santos Soares Júnior, Universidade de Brasília – UnB

Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade de Brasília, onde desenvolve pesquisa sobre Higiene e Educação Física nas escolas da Paraíba. Atualmente é professora da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.


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A União, 26 ago. 1919

A União, 03 abr. 1917.

A União, 21 set. 1917.

A União, 10 fev. 1923.

A União, 10 jun 1919.

A União, 10 jul. 1919.

A União, 08 mai. 1923.



How to Cite

dos Santos Soares Júnior, A. . (2012). SANTUÁRIO DA SAÚDE: CORPO E EDUCAÇÃO PHYSICA NA PARAÍBA NO INÍCIO DO SÉCULO XX. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 9(3), 1–16. Retrieved from