

Rio Tocantins, História Ambiental, Populações Ribeirinhas, Cerrado


From the Waterfalls Time to the Drowned River: An Environmental History of the Tocantins is a discussion about the transformations which have been taking place in Tocantins river, seen through the environmental history perspective. Generally speaking, the aim was to gather and analyze documents which describe the nature and uses of this river, the economy, the daily life of riverside communities, in contrast to the transformations that are affecting the environment in recent decades on the banks of this river. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the important role that the rivers of the Cerrado have played as waterways in the process of conquest and occupation of the interior of Brazil and the current form of exploitation of its energy potential, especially with the construction of dams, causing serious environmental impacts due to human interference. The research focuses primarily on the Tocantins River and is based on the study of different historical sources such as technical reports, travelers' reports, trip logs, mailing, journal articles, photos and videos that depict the devastating intervention in this environment.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. de F. . (2017). FROM THE WATERFALLS TIME TO THE DROWNED RIVER: NA ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF THE TOCANTINS. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 14(2). Retrieved from