
  • Ana Paula de Sant’Ana Instituto Cuiabano de Educação e Cultura – ICEC


History, Punk, Contemporaneity, Policy, Resistance


I’m looking for this article uncover concepts on freedom and the effect of civilization in the contemporary. However, this is research that occurs in a State away from big cities, in Mato Grosso, specifically in Cuiabá.Tracing a line of thought with interviews with punks who lives in the city, adding to it critical thought of several authors who realize the same contradiction: new is the same, fixed, the custom subtract of the life his own vitality; in contrast the existence of punk in the city and the relationship his impatience with such apathy, his eager impetuosity to cause discomfort and the perception that their form of political action based in his bad behavior, into to the action in everday is a performance micro policy of urgency.


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Author Biography

Ana Paula de Sant’Ana, Instituto Cuiabano de Educação e Cultura – ICEC

Doutora pela PUCSP pelo Núcleo de Subjetividade no Programa de Psicologia Clínica. Esse artigo é adaptado da pesquisa realizada no Mestrado em Estudos Linguísticos e Culturais, na UFMT. Bolsista da CAPES.


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How to Cite

de Sant’Ana, A. P. . (2014). CHAOS AND HEART. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 11(1), 1–21. Retrieved from