
  • Roberto Manoel Andreoni Adolfo Universidade Estadual Paulista – “Júlio Mesquita Filho” - UNESP


Historiografia, instituição, escravidão


Brazilian historiography of slavery from the 1980s saw several restatements, both theoretical-methodological as institutional. As a study object, the writing of History in this period of transition still requires deeper and more profound and systematic evaluations. Some authors, however, most of them slavery historians, dedicated themselves to analyze, in some articles, certain singular points of these historiographical changes. None of them, however, emphasized the pertinence of the articulations between the writing of History and its social-political and institutional context of production. This article, therefore, after evidencing such thematic gap in studies about slavery, intends to make a few notes which reveal such relations between text and context; firstly making some considerations regarding the institutional context and, after that, regarding the social-political context, establishing the attachments with the listed works/authors.


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How to Cite

Adolfo, R. M. A. . (2017). BRAZILIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY OF SLAVERY BETWEEN 1970 AND 1980 YEARS: WRITING, CONTEXT AND INSTITUTION. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 14(1). Retrieved from