
  • Debora Breder Universidade Católica de Petrópolis


Gêmeos, Incesto, Cinema


This article proposes a reflection on the way the ideal of a “perfect twinning”, common to the indo-european tradition, has been being updated on the contemporaneous narratives. From the myth to the novel and from it to the movie, the theme seems to integrate the symbolic discourse on the twinning from the incest intent, as many literary and cinematographic plots suggest. Thus, having as a starting point Bernardo Bertolucci’s feature film The Dreamers (2003), in a comparative perspective with Lya Luft’s novel O quarto fechado (1984); and Thomas Mann’s short story Wälsungenblut (1921) – which set on the spot three pairs of different sex twins –, it is analyzed the incestuous rhetoric that permeates the narratives on twinning in our cultural tradition.


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How to Cite

Breder, D. . (2016). THE INCESTUOUS TWINNING: NOTES ON BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI’S THE DREAMERS . Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 13(2). Retrieved from