
  • Jomar Ricardo da Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB)
  • Maria Arisnete Camara de Morais Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


História, Literatura, Representação, Intelectual


The present essay intends to analyze the contributions of Lima Barreto in building the intellectual representation in the work Sad end of Policarpo Quaresma. To accomplish an interpretation of the proposed aspects, we use the concept of representation from the theoretical conceptions of Roger Chartier. The procedure for reaching certain goals obeyed to the evidentiary method proposed by Carl Ginzburg, who, since the second half of the nineteenth century, was set as an epistemological paradigm within the humanities. Lima Barreto had a conception of intellectual consistent with the lived reality marked by economic inequality, which in his writing brings in a cutting critique of the ruling classes and a cutting denunciation of social injustice.


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How to Cite

Silva, . J. R. da ., & Morais, M. A. C. de. (2016). THE REPRESENTATION OF THE INTELLECTUAL IN THE WORKS OF LIMA BARRETO. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 13(2). Retrieved from