
  • Beatriz Polidori Zechlinski Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


Escritoras, Século XVII, Cultura escrita, Cânone literário


This paper approaches the ideas that led to the establishment of the first French literary canon in the 17th century and its relationship with the role of the women writers in lettered spaces in this period. The starting point is the relationship raised by the study of the literature produced by women aroused between the ideas of "feminine writing" and "literary canon". Our objective in this study is to understand how the literary production of women, especially of the 17th century, was related to the idea of "great literature" and "national literature". We question the reasons why in France, in the 17th century, many women had been part of anthologies and lists of authors considered relevant and why from a certain period in the Modern Era the literary production of French women was considered irrelevant for the official cultural scaffold of this nation.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Polidori Zechlinski, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR



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How to Cite

Zechlinski, B. P. . (2015). WOMEN WRITERS AND LITERARY CULTURE IN 17THCENTURY FRANCE: QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CANON. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 12(2). Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/735