
  • Roberg Januário dos Santos Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará – UNIFESSPA
  • Iranilson Buriti Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG


Magistério, Espaço, Assu


Educate or practice-oriented educational activities is not just the practice of teaching in the classroom. The act of teaching and its forms are also expressed on other occasions and circumstances, such as teaching to love a city, educating the young to learn how to enhance the experiences of another time in generations, cultivate the recognition of postures, concepts and ways of doing and saying a spatiality. Thus, from the historical cultural assumptions, it is possible to observe the trajectory of teacher and poet Maria Carolina Wanderley Caldas (Lady Wanderley), born in 1876 in the city of Assu, State of Rio Grande do Norte, belonging to the family prominent in the social scene of Assu: Wanderley. She was a professor at the Scholar Group Lieutenant Colonel José Correia, in Assu, in which introduced new pedagogical activities regarded as modern at the time, the example of playful activities, songs, poetry, among others. She applied their teaching assignments for more than four decades in the educational scenario of Assu. However, the field of writing and reading provided to Lady Wanderley not only the practice of teaching, but access to magazine, newspaper and the production of song lyrics and poetry. It also allowed the defense of a "Old Assú" city of traditions, cultural codes built in the nineteenth century, space where used to circle the good old customs of a memorable season, crossed the moral, the gallantry of men of bravery and word, an "old Assú" the present didn’t know. The writing of this teacher provides evidence of a time of loss of ancient references, such as the interaction with personalities from a company with marks of morality, romanticism, religiousness and patriarchy. Beyond the school pedagogy, Lady Wanderley tried to educate the people from Assú to learn the historical values of the city situated at the time of her childhood, adolescence and part of adulthood. Lady Wanderley died in 1954 in the city of Assu.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. J. dos ., & Buriti, I. . (2015). “I FEEL THAT LIFE ALREADY ESCAPES ME”: THE PEDAGOGY OF THE SPACES IN THE TEXTURES OF SINHAZINHA WANDERLEY. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 12(2). Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/739