"Virus continuing ..."
the challenges of science and social movements in combat HIV/AIDS, from And the band played on (1993)
HIV / AIDS, Cinema, Conservatism / Reactionaryism, Cultural Mediation, And the band played onAbstract
Based on the HBO TV movie And the Band Played On (1993), directed by Roger Spottiswoode, we seek to understand the recurrence of images about the challenges of science and social movements in facing epidemics in the last 40 years, notably linked to the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. Two guiding aspects are considered: a) the outbreak of pandemics in conservative and reactionary governments; b) the undertaking of cultural mediations by the television media, which assumes the role in the dissemination of information about diseases and their causes, as the state refrains from acting in the public space to face the public health crisis.
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