From A Unique Fight To An Exemplary Cause
The Attacks Against Statues And Memorial References, On The Aftermath Of George Floyd’s Death
George Floyd, Statues, MemoryAbstract
A series of acts against monuments and memorial references, on several countries, occurred after the agonizing images of the black U.S. citizen George Floyd’s death in the last months. Beyond the attack on the statue of Edward Colston, a slave trafficker, characters that, apparently, were not related to the police violence against Floyd had their effigies questioned, as in the example of James Cook in Australia and the Brazilian bandeirantes. Taking as source articles published by newspapers and magazines together, especially, with the theoretical reflections from Michael Pollak and Pierre Nora, this article is dedicated to analyze the memory disputes that were in evidence in this recent wave of contention, against the visual references that are spread through the landscape of countless countries around the world.
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