From the Avant Garde to popular Music

Jorge De La Vega and the New Argentine Song


  • Sergio Pujol Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina



Popular song, Visual arts, Jorge de la Veiga


Argentine graphic artist Jorge de la Vega (1930-1971) had frequently thought about contemporary popular music, its style, language and the artistic resonance of this form of expression. Albeit a painter, his fascination with this new and powerful art form led him to compose his own music. The outcome was successful, and his songs –with lyrics that showed an original and humorous spirit- managed to avoid constrains from the cultural patronage embodied by the Institute TorcuatoDi Tella.  The Zeitgeist of the 1960s was shifting from rebellions and transgressions to nastier forms. It was necesary to create new strategies against the cultural establishment. After studying the relation between artistic avant-garde and popular culture, Jorge De la Vega began to develop both fields in terms of equality, treating them under the same conceptual status.  De la Vega as a singer-songwriter and at the same time as an avant-garde performer presents us the ideal panorama for the study of the arts and the cultural scene of the Sixties in Argentina.)


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How to Cite

Pujol, S. . (2020). From the Avant Garde to popular Music: Jorge De La Vega and the New Argentine Song. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 17(2), 283–297.