Militant Images
Representations of the French Revolution in Jacques-Louis David Painting
History, Representations, Politics, France, PaintingAbstract
The intention in this study is valeric us of the images as a historical source and from the reading of a group of them, produced in France in the period from 1784 to 1793, read some representations of the French Revolution of 1789. We intend to read in the images a certain intentionality in portraying the present and proposing an action that takes place in the political bias. To this end, were selected four (4) paintings by Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), which, in our view, are representative of the events of the most revolutionary period that France, and perhaps the world, has lived. We are aware that an image (a canvas) belongs to the other category of object, different from a written text, and therefore requires a refined methodological effort for its reading. And it is good to say that no object of investigation holds the total truth and that is why historians are always claiming a collection of documents around them when they are ready to search.
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