A Useful And Competent Opinion

The Society Of Medicine And Surgery Of Parahyba And The Hospital Of Isolation (1929)


  • Leonardo Q. B. Freire dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo – USP




History of medicine, History of Paraíba, Social representations


This work problematizes the relationship between medicine and society in Paraíba in the 1920s. Therefore, we analyzed the medical discourses produced during the construction project of an Isolation Hospital in the state capital, in 1929. The location of the establishment generated enormous controversy. To "solve" the issue, the Parahyba Society of Medicine and Surgery was asked to prepare an opinion. The representations built around this episode contributed to reinforce the legitimacy of medical knowledge in the "resolution" of social problems. In the construction of this narrative, we analyzed the letters and news on the subject published by the newspaper A União, as well as the opinion produced by the Parahyba Society of Medicine and Surgery, in dialogue with theoretical references of the New Cultural History.


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How to Cite

Q. B. Freire dos Santos, L. . (2020). A Useful And Competent Opinion: The Society Of Medicine And Surgery Of Parahyba And The Hospital Of Isolation (1929). Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 17(2), 522–542. https://doi.org/10.35355/revistafenix.v17i17.965