The Epic Of The Descent To The Jungle Underworld
Recurring Images In The Narratives Of The White Explorers Of Putumayo
Putumayo, explorers, narratives, underworldAbstract
This article treats several narratives of explorers of the Putumayo region (Amazonia) in different historical moments, identifying a series of elements that are common in all of them. Specifically, we have the image of the jungle as an underworld, in opposition to the civilization, and the figure of the explorer as a kind of hero who descends on it and fulfills a transformative journey that, eventually, leads him to the redemption by returning to the civilized world. It is the epic of the descent of the white man in the underworld of the jungle. In addition to the forest, the explorer will find in the underworld the "wild" Indians who are an integral part of it, from the encounter with these figures can be understood several mechanisms on how the white understands, in this specific context, its relationship with the otherness. More precisely, this text proposes to analyze the persistence of certain preconceived ideas about the forest and its inhabitants, and how those affect the dialogue between the subjects involved and influence the interpretation of the reality found by the white explorer.
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