
  • Nádia Maria Weber Santos Escola Superior de Teologia – EST
  • Paula Tatiane de Azevedo Centro Universitário La Salle – UNILASALLE


Cultural history, Sensitivity, Representations, Familiar Memory


This article presents the result of a research that had as objective to search a “sensitivity to the edge”, that is, uncurling of a history of life of a common individual (TR) that was interned in May to September of 1937, in Hospital São Pedro de Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil. In this new research, carried through with the family of this “personage of the urban one”, a new was disclosed to look at and new reflections had been made on this individual, which was kept out of society at its historical moment. It enters the facts most excellent, had it notice that it committed suicide itself in 1938, close to its residence, in Canoas (RS). Having as base the rescue of the familiar memory, the problematic one in question was to perceive the sensitivities and the representations concerning madness and as ahead of an extraordinary situation the family reconstructs this history of life.


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Author Biographies

Nádia Maria Weber Santos, Escola Superior de Teologia – EST

Mestre e Doutora em História (UFRGS), médica-psiquiatra e pesquisadora na Escola Superior de Teologia/FAPERGS.

Paula Tatiane de Azevedo, Centro Universitário La Salle – UNILASALLE

Acadêmica do Curso de História UNILASALLE, pesquisadora auxiliar no eixo temático Um percurso singular: do hospício para o mundo.


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How to Cite

Weber Santos, N. M., & de Azevedo, P. T. . (2009). ENTRELAÇANDO PASSADO, PRESENTE E FUTURO: UMA BUSCA SENSÍVEL DA MEMÓRIA FAMILIAR. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 6(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/116