A A canon for cultural studies in brazil

authors, interpretations and appropriations in the education field





Cultural Studies, Brazil, canon, networks


This paper investigates the formation of the canon of Cultural Studies in Brazil. It analyse how Brazilian authors, at the end of the 1990's, constituted a corpus of reference for the nascent area, with special attention to educational issues. It will be seen that, on one hand, Brazilian researchers translate specific foreign authors and texts, mediating the representations of what would be the "Cultural Studies" in the national scenario, and, on the other hand, they associate new authors and themes to these foreign genealogies, producing specific interpretations, in the Brazilian context. The construction of the documental corpus occurred from the "text mining" in the Google Scholar base, with the word "Cultural Studies" in the title. From this first corpus, we built a series of network analyses, in order to understand the reading and writing strategies of Brazilian researchers. The hypothesis of this work is that there is a proposal originating from researchers of the South region of Brazil, in relation to Cultural Studies, which moves away from the British origins of the discussion and connects to post-structuralism, from strategies of translation, citation, interpretation and dissemination of these theories that are configured as a process of cultural mediation.


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2023-06-12 — Updated on 2023-12-20

How to Cite

GOMES Rodrigues , A. ., & SIQUEIRA Monteiro de , R. . (2023). A A canon for cultural studies in brazil: authors, interpretations and appropriations in the education field. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 20(1), 209–229. https://doi.org/10.35355/revistafenix.v20i1.1336