Cinema, Cultural Pedagogy, EducationAbstract
This article is an integrant part of a research, still in the beginning level, of my master's degree dissertation in the Program of Masters degree in Education. It aims at to discuss the educational practices of a tourist scenery, returned/ came back to the movies, in the municipal district of Cabaceiras – “Roliúde Nordestina”. Since the decade of the 90's, with miniseries The Solemnity of the Pitied, Cabaceiras has been giving up its space for the filming of more than 18 productions, demonstrating the production of a knowledge that has been forming young and other residents/ inhabitants of the city. Understanding the cinema as a Cultural Pedagogy and the ‘education’ as the formation the citizens daily receive, we have appropriated the Cultural Studies as a theoretical referential, that take the cinema as a cultural device that produces knowledge according to the culture and also inscribes and because of that it must be complicated, including for the field of Education.
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