Education, Theatrical games, Improvisation, Stanislavski systemAbstract
This article focuses in the dialog between the 'games' of Viola Spolin, with the studies of Richard Courtney and Vygostky ideas and some aspects of Stanislavsky psychophysic theories of acting. This study was constructed inside the undergraduate drama course at Universidade Federal de Goiás (2003-2007), wrapping practical and bibliographical study. This research studied the relationship between practical drama and education, thinking the formation of the professional actor and the general student. Aspects of Stanislavski acting theories are analyzed concerning the formation of the professional of this art. Subsequently, during the discipline of Theatrical Games (2005), we deep into some aspects of the dialog between Stanislavski and the theatrical games of Spolin. So, it was possible to realize that, elements of the experience of the physical actions (Stanislavski) contributed to the making of the Spolins’ theatrical games.
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