

History, Memory, Wheelchair dance, Sport


The dancing in wheelchair sports began in Brazil in 2001, with the realization of the First International Symposium on Dance in wheelchair. Through researchers met several groups of people with disabilities throughout the country with the intention of presenting a new sport culturally European. Since then, the Confederation of Brazilian Dance in Wheelchair, instituted at the same time, annually organizes the Brazilian Championship Dance Sport Wheelchair. Although this is a story of the present time there is a need to write the history of this sport, since this is recorded in several countries and each site is formed differently. Based on this need, the research objective was to show the history of the establishment of the sport from the memory of the athletes who participate in the mode of 2002 using the methodology of oral history


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Author Biographies

Michelle Aline Barreto, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação da UFJF

Eliana Lucia Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF

Doutora pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Professora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – Programa de Pós-Graduação.


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How to Cite

Barreto, M. A. ., & Ferreira, E. L. . (2011). DANÇA ESPORTIVA EM CADEIRA DE RODAS: A HISTÓRIA CONTADA PELAS VOZES DE QUEM DANÇA. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 8(3), 1–10. Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/333