
  • Ronaldo Vainfas Universidade Federal Fluminense- UFF
  • Mário Branco Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF




Jesuítas, Brasil holandês, Correspondência inaciana, Inteligência militar jesuítica


The article examines the role of correspondence in the logistics of the Company of Jesus, with emphasis on emergency letters related to the Dutch conquest in Brazil in the seventeenth century, often written by priests imprisoned or exiled by the Dutch. The authors sustain that in this epistolary genre the tone of resistance against the advance of "Calvinist heretics" on Catholic soil prevails, as well as alert against dissident Ignatian. In this sense, the letters of Father Francisco Ferreira on the advance of the Calvinists' conquest and those that was monitoring the dissident priest Manoel de Moraes stand out. The article underlines, finally, the insertion of this correspondence amidst what could be called the Intelligence Service of the Company of Jesus.


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How to Cite

Vainfas, . R. ., & Branco, M. . (2020). LETTERS UNDER CROSSFIRE: LETTERS UNDER CROSSFIRE. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 16(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.35355/000008