

Bisociação, dialoguismo, projeto comunicativo, orientação para com os outros, função divertida, contexto histórico, afrancesamiento, casticismo


This article searches for the linguistic and historic factors associated with humor in the rimed composition ¡Oh! Qué buen país! by Vital Aza. It is easy to notice that its humor is the product of a constant code switching between French and Spanish, reinforced by a rime where both languages combine along 16 eight-syllable strophes. However, a thorough analysis will show multiple sources of humor related not only to linguistic factors, but also to the historic, cultural and ideological context of the composition. The ultimate purpose of the analysis is to show that formalist and exclusively linguistic approaches to humor are unable to identify all factors associated with a humoristic interpretation of the text.


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How to Cite

Ocampo, F. . (2018). THE LIMITS OF THE INCONGRUENCY THEORY IN THE ANALYSIS OF AN 1880 HUMOROUS TEXT. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 15(1). Retrieved from