
  • Mauro Gaglietti Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI


Os ratos, Blasé attitude, City


The novel Os ratos, by Dyonélio Machado, is analyzed according to Georg Simmel’s criticism of modern culture, in the context of a developed socialized monetary economy, which is gathering of daily actions. Just like the city is the monetary circulating center, it is also the proper scenario for a blasé attitude. Because the level of concentration in the metropolis is very high, the individual is demanded the most of its self control. A blasé attitude, the indifference towards everything and everyone, causes the devaluation of everything and everyone, and, at the end, it causes the depreciation of one’s own individuality. Living in the big city always implies in using surviving strategies in the midst of concentration – strategies that are, most of the times, stylized behaviors.


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Author Biography

Mauro Gaglietti, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI

 Doutor em História pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS. Atualmente é professor colaborador do Mestrado em Direito (Direito e Multiculturalismo) da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI, Campus de Santo Ângelo.


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How to Cite

Gaglietti, M. . (2007). A CIDADE E O DINHEIRO REPRESENTADOS NAS OBRAS DE GEORG SIMMEL E DE DYONÉLIO MACHADO. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 4(4), 1–8. Retrieved from https://revistafenix.pro.br/revistafenix/article/view/641