German romanticism, Abstractionism, Subject, MimesisAbstract
For the comparison of two pictures, of Kandinsky and Mondrian, the author tries to show the absolute insufficience of the assignment that labels the above mentioned artists, namely, the fact that are both taken as abstract painters. One reveals how they differentiate in the way how the-painter relates himself with the produced work, as it does in Kandinsky, whose work doesn´t frees itself from an authorial intention, keeping itself attached to a reached meaning which is claimed, but not actually accomplished. In Mondrian, on the other way, since the subject matters only as a part of something that becomes independent. To this difference among ways-of-be, the present subject corresponds a set of lines and colours whose meaning is random or abstract. In Mondrian, the subject´s autonomy provokes an objective correlated to secne of the world – the abstract gives place to the production of a scene, correspondent to what we have been called mimesis of production.
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SCHLEGEL, Friedrich. Fragmente zur Literatur und Poesie. In: EICHNER, H. (Hrsg.). Kritische Ausgabe seiner Werke. V. 16. Wien; Zürich: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh; Thomas-Verlag, 1981.
TIECK, Ludwig. Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen [1798]. Editado por A. Anger. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1999.
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