

Telenovela, Gêneros Literários, Ficção, Verossimilhança


A television drama occupies an important place in the history of brazilian television. The production teleficção, is the telenovela, serials and mini-series is the result of transpositions of languages such as theater, cinema and literature. The television drama and its most important product , the soap opera is constructed from the composition of some literary genres and forms such as melodrama and also receives influences of styles such as realism . The article seeks to understand how the telenovela as television product and also as a cultural form has several arrays narratives and possible aesthetic based on the verisimilitude. To this understanding we will highlight and analyze some of these matrices and its developments in the construction of the novel as telefiction


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How to Cite

Desidério, P. M. M. . (2015). THE TELENOVELA AS CULTURAL FORM: GENDER AND STYLES IN LITERARY TELEFICIONALIDADE. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 12(1). Retrieved from