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The Metamorphoses of The Human in Maria Gabriela Llansol
History, Literature, Images, LlansolAbstract
The Portuguese writer Maria Gabriela Llansol Nunes da Cunha Rodrigues Joaquim published more than 26 books. In Brazil, it has been published by Autêntica and, since 1997, in UFMG's dissertation and thesis database there are 18 works carried out on the Llansolian study. There are also films and other artistic productions based on this work – being one, the film Redemoinho-poema, by Lucia Castello Branco and Gabriel Sanna (2008). Her writing takes place “on the margins of the language [...] and outside the institutional universe of ‘literature’”. Such statement places Llansol's text as an experience beyond accepting given truths, which is reserved for a few. Thus, the text by Maria Gabriela Llansol is not intended to be merely an aesthetic form outside reality, in other words, pure experimentalism. It turns against imposture, and therefore against the fictions of the world and its truths. Blurring the boundaries between literature and philosophy, as well as between personal diary and fiction. Llansol creates her own mythology, combining disparate elements in changes of meaning. The mundane rises and a complex network of reflections emerges from simple everyday observation. As Arnaldo Antunes states in the presentation of A Falcon in the Fist - Autêntica, 2011 - “Llansol invites us to slowly step where each sentence hides a surprise, a secret, a new layer, deeper, without losing the surface, where words mix with the uncertain matter of the world”.
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