About the Journal

Fênix – Journal of History and Cultural Studies is an electronic publication of the Center for Studies in Social History of Art and Culture (NEHAC), of the Federal University of Uberlândia. This journal offers free immediate access to its content, following the principle that it makes scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge and provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


Authors and readers do not pay any fees for submitting and reading articles or evaluating them. This journal falls within the open access policies. (Open Access).

Focus and Scope

Fênix – Journal of History and Cultural Studies is a biannual publication, which aims to disseminate production in the fields of Human and Social Sciences, Languages ​​and Arts, as well as the meeting between the different areas, in the form of articles, translations, reviews , essays, interviews. The magazine is edited by the Center for Studies in Social History of Art and Culture (NEHAC), at the Federal University of Uberlândia. The journal limits the number of 40 (forty) articles, distributed in its two annual issues.

Fênix will publish articles written by:

Doctors and Doctoral Students;
In Co-authorship if one of the authors is a Doctor and the others are at least Master's. In other words, Fênix will not publish articles signed by Doctors and Graduates or Undergraduates;
Maximum 3 authors per article;

Fênix will publish reviews written by:

Masters, Masters, Doctoral or Doctoral students;

Fênix will not publish a review written by Graduates or Undergraduates, even if this review is also signed by a Doctor.

Contributions are received in a continuous flow, with the exception of thematic dossiers proposed by one or more organizers and approved by the editors.

The journal also limits the number of publications by researchers and professors from the institution itself.

Peer Review Process

All contributions go through the same evaluative and editorial process after online submission. The texts submitted to this journal are evaluated by the double-blind system (Double-blind Peers Review), granting the anonymity of the author(s) and the reviewer(s).

First, they are analyzed by the editorial team, which assesses the adequacy of the journal's norms and the proposal. If it meets the conditions for publication, the original is sent to two/two ad hoc reviewers for blind peer review. In the blind peer review phase, reviewers can recommend acceptance, rejection or modifications, which must be answered by the author. If there are notes for modifications, the author will be informed and invited to adapt the manuscript. Modifications will be evaluated again by the editorial team and, if necessary, by the reviewers. If there are conflicting recommendations in the first blind peer review, the editorial team will send the manuscript to a third ad hoc reviewer.

Reviews and interviews are evaluated by the editorial team, coordinated by an editor. If deemed necessary, these contributions can be forwarded to ad hoc reviewers.

We emphasize that each author can only have one original in the evaluation process. If there is an effective publication of your contribution, a period of one year (two issues) will be observed for the beginning of a new evaluation.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest can be academic, personal, political, commercial, financial or otherwise. Conflicts of interest are processes or situations in which authors, reviewers or editors have interests, visible or not, which may influence the production of data, the writing or the evaluation/review of the manuscript. The peer review process, the activity of editors and the credibility of the information present in the manuscripts are associated with the management of conflicts of interest.
The author(s) of the manuscript must obligatorily inform whether or not conflicts of interest exist by means of a declaration. This must be notified to the editorial team via the dialog box available in the submission in Discussion of Pre-Assessment and/or attach a document in Word for Windows transferred in supplementary documents. In manuscripts where there are conflicts of interest, this information must be included in a footnote at the beginning of the text.
The reviewer(s) must inform the editorial team of Fênix: Revista de História e Estudos Culturais about the presence of conflicts of interest declaring themselves not qualified to proceed with the evaluation of the manuscript.
The ad hoc consultant(s) must inform the editors of this journal of any conflicts of interest that may influence their opinion about the manuscript, and, if applicable, must declare if not qualified to give you opinion.
The editor(s), in turn, must communicate to the Editorial Board of Fênix: Journal of History and Cultural Studies in case there are conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript, so that the evaluation process is monitored by the body editorial.

Preservation and Archiving
This journal is part of  Cariniana - Rede Brasileira de Serviços de Preservação Digital, which adopts the LOCKSS Program (Stanford University). The magazine's status in the archive can be confirmed at The Keepers

Repository deposit policy

Fênix allows and encourages authors and authors to self-archive their articles in their published versions (post-print editorial version), in institutional repositories, thematic and/or personal web pages.

Funding source

Fênix is ​​supported by the voluntary work of members of NEHAC (Nucleus for Studies in Social History of Art and Culture). Not having any source of public or private development notice.


Semester: no. 1 (Jan/Jun); n. 2 (July/Dec.)



In order to contribute to the circularity of scientific knowledge, the works published here are published on our Facebook profile. The proper authorship credits are mentioned in all publications.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.