
  • Magali Oliveira Kleber Universidade Estadual de Londrina


ONGs, Music education. Music Social projects, Music pedagogical process


This paper focuses on musical practices in two Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO): “Meninos do Morumbi”, situated in São Paulo city and “Projeto Villa-Lobinhos”, in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil, having both of them the music as a socio-educational proposal. It aimed at understanding two aspects: 1) how these projects have become legitimized space for the process of teaching and learning music and 2) how the music pedagogical process has been built in this space for musical practice. The qualitative research as the methodological approach explored the Multiple Case Study and the Ethno methodology. The music pedagogical process was seen as a possibility of new ways to produce musical knowledge taking into account four contexts: institutional, historical, socio-cultural and musical teaching and learning process. The historical context was considered as the dimension of the reconstitution of the NGO’s own institutional and musical identity, what could be found out through the participants’ life histories. Therefore, this process provided the participants with the opportunity of constructing and reconstructing their social and cultural identities as social groups. This research intended to contribute to the reflection on the role of music education play in social movements and projects from NGO which have the culture as a key element in the  promotion of changes and social justice.


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Author Biography

Magali Oliveira Kleber, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

 Docente de Música no Departamento de Música e Teatro na Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Mestre em Música/Artes pela UNESP/ São Paulo e Doutora em Educação Musical pela UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Kleber, M. (2008). PRÁTICAS MUSICAIS EM ONGS: POSSIBILIDADE DE INCLUSÃO SOCIAL E O EXERCÍCIO DA CIDADANIA. Fênix - Revista De História E Estudos Culturais, 5(2), 1–24. Retrieved from